Hot Keys - How to use the software more efficiently

Hot keys provide quick access to common functions within the software. You'll find hot keys in a lot of places and it's our intent to sneak them in anywhere they make sense!

Here's a quick table of all the hot keys that are active:

 Resource Navigation Toolbar
 Cycle Groups Select next Group: press <g>
Select previous Group: hold <shift> press <g>
 Cycle Performers Select next Performer: press <p>
Select previous Performer: hold <shift> press <p>
Chart Viewer Toolbar
 Cycle Groups Select next Group: press <g>
Select previous Group: hold <shift> press <g>
 Cycle Performers Select next Performer: press <p>
Select previous Performer: hold <shift> press <p>
 Cycle Charts Select next Chart: press <c>
Select previous Chart: hold <shift> press <c>
Add Measure Press <m>
Add Condition Press <o>
Add Note Press <n>
Add Block Press <b>
Add Resource Dialogs
Move Cursor Move to next field: press <tab>
Move to previous field: hold <shift> press <tab>
Submit Form Press <enter> or <return>
Close Dialog Press <esc> "escape"


How do they work?

We have added hot keys for:

  1. Quickly navigating resources
  2. activating dialogs
  3. data entry

A common pattern to recognize if a wildly and elusive hot key is present, is our trusty and reliable underline.

If you see an underline in a menu label or perhaps in the menu name itself, you may have found yourself a hot key!

For example, look closely at these two drop-downs in their natural habitat, notice anything peculiar about them?

Hot Key Hints


Could it be? Why by-george (what does that even mean?) I think we found ourselves some hot keys! The hot key for each of the above drop-down menus are indicated by the underlined G and P in the Filter Performer by Group and View Performer drop-downs respectively. 

Good sport ol' chap! We found and identified two hot keys, could there be more?

Navigation Hot Keys

Navigation hot keys enable you to quickly jump around without having to use your mouse or trackpad. For those on tablets or using touch, it is probably still quicker to navigate using the graphical user interface.

Pressing either of these keys, would provide immediate positive reinforcement in the way of navigating to the next resource in their respective lists. Of course it could be positive punishment if you didn't want that to happen!

Navigation hot keys, as those shown above from the Resource Navigation Toolbar, have a forward and reverse mode. By holding <shift> + <hot key> the previous resource will be selected. So pressing <shift> + <p> would select the previous performer for example.


Resource Hot Keys

Resource hot keys exist to allow you to quickly add data. We are focused on speed of data entry which reduces the amount of time you spent collecting data while providing you more opportunities for performer instruction - efficiency is the name of the game!

In the Chart Viewer you will find several underlined hot keys.

  1. Measure - Press <m> to open the Add Measure dialog.

  2. Condition - Press <o> to open the Add Condition dialog.

  3. Note - Press <n> to open the Add Note dialog.

  4. Block - Press <b> to open the Add Block dialog.


Navigation Hot Keys

In addition to the Resource Hot Keys in the Chart Viewer, we also provide Resource Navigation Hot Keys to help you quickly cycle between different charts. 

  1. Group - Press <g> to navigate to the next Group in the Group drop-down menu

  2. Performer - Press <p> to navigate to the next Performer, if a Group is selected, this will navigate to the next performer in that group.

  3. Chart - Press <c> to navigate to the next Chart for the select Performer.


Add Resource Hot Keys 

Add Resource Hot Keys are not your typical hot key as evidenced by the lack of any underlined field labels in the Add Measurement dialog below.

Add Measure Dialog Hot Keys 


To use Data Entry Hot Keys you Tab, Escape, and Enter are your friends! 

  1. Tab - By pressing Tab and Shift-Tab you can move your cursor to the next or previous input field respectively. 
  2. Enter - If you hit (tap!) the enter key on your keyboard, the dialog will submit any data you have entered to the server. 
  3. Esc - When you are done entering data, simply tap the escape (ESC) key to close the dialog. 



Hot keys provide near superhuman abilities to navigate quickly. We want you to spend more time with your Performers and less time clicking buttons! We will be expanding the use of hot keys anywhere it makes sense. Remember it is easy to spot a hot key when you know the signs to look for. When the underline is present, a hot key is near!

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