Session Aims


  1. What is a Session Aim
  2. How to Create Session Aims
  3. How to Edit Session Aims

1. What is a Session Aim

Session aims provide a way to assign and keep track of desired outcomes on a per-session basis. Below is an example of an accel frequency session aim:


Accel Frequency Session Aim



Note: Session aims are available for all non-FACC charts, but will only appear in 'Timings' mode. To learn more about timings charts, click here!

2. How to Create Session Aims

a) Click on the 'Block' button while viewing the chart to define a session aim:


b) Enter either the desired frequency, or the desired count. Leave the field blank for sessions with no session aims.

Create New Session Aims



3. How to Edit Session Aims

a) Visit the timeline for the desired chart


b) Find the Session Block to edit, and click the pencil button to edit:


c) Proceed to edit the session aims!

Edit Aims in Session Block Edit Formedit-session-aim.png

Session aims come in a variety of types, either count only, frequency, latency, or duration - depending on the chart types. For frequency charts, put in the frequency directly, or  enter in the count and a counting time (this will be used to calculate a frequency).

d) Press the 'Update' button at the bottom right corner of the 'Edit Session Block' form.

Update Button






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