How to Filter on Metrics

In the Reporting section, users can filter reports based on a defined metric value. An example of this is filtering the report to all conditions that have an accel celeration that is greater than x1.25. 

Metrics with Precision Teaching growth and decay symbols must be slightly altered to comply with the filters on the metric columns, which take as an input the raw number value of the metric.

See table below to learn how this conversion would work for 2 examples, and the resulting value that users would write in the filter.

Filter Example



Filter Value

>  x1.25 (more growth)

Growth (x)

Remove “x”

[select greater than] 1.25

< ÷1.10 (more decay)

Decay (÷)

1/1.10 = 0.91; remove “÷”

[select less than] 0.91

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