User Roles and Permissions

When adding users, there are several permissions and access controls available, depending on the user type.

User Types

  • Full Access: All permissions and access controls are available to choose from.
  • Single Client/Performer Access: No permissions available. The type of Access Controls available is “None”. This type is recommended for parents.
  • Read-only: No permissions available. The types of Access Controls available are “None” or “Tier 4 (Read Only)”.



  • Create Performers: Gives the user access to create Performers under the “Performers” section.
  • Create groups: Gives the user access to create Groups under the “Groups” section.
  • Manage Pinpoints: Gives the user access to view, create, edit, and delete pinpoints from the organization’s Pinpoint library under the “Pinpoints" section. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
    • Please note, If this permission is checked off and the user has the permission to “Create Performers,” they can still “Add Chart” by selecting a pinpoint from the organization’s Pinpoint library.
  • Manage Teams: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to “Team’s” where they can view, create, edit, and delete teams. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
  • Manage Users: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to view, create, edit, and delete users. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
  • Manage Organization: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to edit and update the organization's profile, including “Name,” “Phone number,” and “Address”.
  • View Audit Logs: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to see Audit Logs for the entire organization’s activity. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
  • Manage Billing: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to see the current Plan type, the total number of users, and the total number of Performers. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
  • Manage Tags: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to create and delete Tags in the organization’s Tag library. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
    • Please note, If this permission is not given, the user can still assign Tags to Charts, Users, Performers, Pinpoints, and Journals.
  • Manage Journal Types: Under the organization’s name in the top right corner, this gives the user access to create different Journal types that can be used across the organization. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
    • Please note, If this permission is not given, the user can still create Journals using the Journal types set up by the organization.
  • Manage Profile: Under the user profile in the top right corner, this gives the user access to edit their personal profile. This includes changing their email, username, first name, last name, password, user type, and profile picture. It is recommended for this permission to be reserved for administrative and/or supervisory type roles.
  • View Reporting Section: This gives the user access to a clinical reporting tool with populated data that pulls from the organization’s charts. A new section to the left of “Performers” will appear when this permission is activated for the user, titled “Reporting”. This reporting feature is most valuable for supervisors and organization owners for aggregate reporting, but can be useful at all levels of the organization to track performer progress.
  • Manage Org Chart Views: This gives the user access to create “Organization” default views that can be selected by other users in the organization.
  • Manage Org Reporting Views: allows users to create, edit, and delete organization reporting views.

Access Controls (Wild Card Role): Provides the level of access users have to performers, clients, and learners in their account. These can be configured at a per performer level in cases where users do not need to see all client data. Click here to learn how to restrict performer access to users.

  • The green check mark allows action on all resources of this type.
  • The yellow check mark allows action on all resources of this type created by the user.

Types of Access Controls (Wild Card Role):

  • None
    • Users have no access to clients, unless granted permission through the performer’s profile.
  • Tier 1 (Full Control)
    • Full control to view, create, edit, and delete across measurements, conditions, notes, tags, journals, charts, and permissions for all performers in the organization’s account.


  • Tier 2 (Read/Write/Delete Data Entry)


  • View
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags, journals, and charts.
  • Create
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags, and journals.
  • Edit
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, and tags.
    • Users can only edit their own Journal entries.
  • Delete
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, and tags.
    • Users can only delete their own Journal entries.
  • Tier 3 (Read/Write Data Entry): Users with this level of access cannot delete anything and have access to all performers in the organization’s account.


  • View
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags, journals, and charts.
  • Create
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags, and journals.
  • Edit
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags.
    • Users can only edit their own Journal entries.
  • Tier 4 (Read Only): Users will have access to view all performers in the organization’s account.


  • View
    • Measurements, conditions, notes, tags, journals, and charts.


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